August 30, 2022 by CNDP Team
New Features
- TCP stack support added to CNET (Experimental)
- Go bindings and API restructure
- Rust bindings and API restructure
- MsgChan library added for message passing between threads and Go to C code
- Ring library supports user-allocated memory to prepare for multi-process
- Pktmbuf library supports external metadata to prepare for larger metadata needed for IPv6
- GitHub Actions for unit tests, clang-format, and linting
- Update VPP CNDP plugin to run on VPP 22.02
- Fedora 35 container support
- Updates for libbpf 0.5.0, and 0.8.0
- Support for libxdp 1.2.0
- Fuzz tests for log, mempool, and mmap libraries
- Unit tests for cne, metrics, and cthread libraries
- Logical port group fixes in json parser
- Updates to memif PMD
- Header fixes for C/C++ compilation
Notable Changes
- Experimental TCP stack support is added to CNET.
- Go and Rust bindings and API are restructured to be consistent with Go package and Rust crate
naming conventions.
Known Issues
- CNET stack assumes a single IP address per logical port, which means a 1:1 mapping between IP
address and hardware queue. This is counter-intuitive to the way IP addresses are typically
assigned, where a single IP address is assigned to a device which has many queues.
- Still need to use a full netdev (Physical Function) with CNDP at this time. Support for
Virtual Functions and Sub-devices will follow in later releases.
- CPU = Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6139 CPU @ 2.30GHz
- BIOS = SE5C620.86B.00.01.0015.110720180833
- Baseboard = Intel S2600WFQ
- OS = Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)
- Kernel = 5.4.0-89-generic
Tested NICs